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About Us
Rooted in History, Growing Toward the Future
Welcome to San Saba, Texas,” The Pecan Capital of the World!” The City of San Saba is located right in the heart of the Texas Hill Country. Matter of fact, if you put your finger right in the middle of a map of our great state, you’re right at our doorstep!
Historic San Saba is known for its beautiful views and landscapes and our most valued treasure, our citizens. We do things a little differently here. Your children can still walk or ride their bikes to school, you can still walk or jog in our residential areas for exercise or take your family for a leisurely stroll around the courthouse square.

San Saba has excellent schools, parks, home-owned retail businesses and restaurants, backed by city-owned utilities and an endless supply of water. San Saba’s residents and visitors enjoy our award-winning eighteen-hole municipal golf course and RV park, two suspension bridges, national registry trees, historic building and churches, and of course, PECANS!
San Saba is growing, changing, and facing many new and exciting challenges. The city values its partnership with community groups and citizens in setting goals for the community’s future with city government as a leading force in achieving these goals. San Saba is positioned for a prosperous future. Visitors, business partners and families are invited to share, “San Saba Fever!”