City Administration

Scott Edmondson, City Manager
Mr. Edmonson, a native of Duncan, Oklahoma, is currently serving as the City Manager for the City of San Saba. Mr. Edmonson’s appointment began May 17, 2021. Prior to this appointment, Mr. Edmonson served as City Manager for the City of Llano, for four and a half years as well as Director of Maintenance for Llano Independent School District for three years.
Mr. Edmonson also served as City Administrator for the City of Mertzon, owned a wildlife business, and worked with Texas AgriLife Extension for 14 years serving Pecos, Irion, Guadalupe, and Schleicher Counties. Mr. Edmonson received a bachelor’s and master’s degree from Oklahoma State University.
Mr. Edmonson and his wife Maela have been married 21 and a half years and have two sons, Phillip and James. Mr. Edmonson’s hobbies are hunting, gardening, golf, and outdoor cooking as well as activities involving his sons.
Mr. Edmonson may be contacted directly at 325-372-5144 or email

Sabrina Maultsby, City Secretary
Mrs. Maultsby has been a dedicated employee of the City of San Saba since her hiring in 1998. In addition to her duties and responsibilities as City Secretary, Mrs. Maultsby serves as a commission member for both the Parks Committee and Keep San Saba Beautiful Committee.

Charlene Lindsay, City Treasurer
Mrs. Lindsay, a consummate professional, has served as City Treasurer and Finance Department Head since 1995. Prior to moving to San Saba, Mrs. Lindsay served three years as Office Service Coordinator for the Accounting Department with Construction Management for Austin ISD, Austin, Texas.