City Department Heads

City Directors

Jason Vogel, Animal Control

Jason Vogel, who was hired in 2012, enforces the animal control city ordinances and state laws inside the city limits of San Saba. The animal shelter, a State Certified Rabies Quarantine Facility, is open Mon-Fri 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Wayne Yarbrough, Code Enforcement

Wayne Yarbrough has been with the city of San Saba since 1985. As City Inspector, Mr. Yarbrough oversees all matters concerning planning and zoning, building permits, and code enforcement. Download Ordinance Forms.

Denver Daniel, City Electric

Denver Daniel, hired in 2004, possesses certifications in safety and supervision, bucket truck operation, accident prevention, and transformer operations and maintenance.

Michael Whitley, Golf

Michael Whitley, Golf Director, has managed the San Saba River Golf Course, an eighteen-hole course located just east of the city on Highway 190, since 2020. Daily hours of operation are 7:30 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. To schedule tee times online and view the tournament schedule, visit San Saba River Golf Course.

Sarah Saldivar, Keep San Saba Beautiful,

Sarah Saldivar, an employee since 2019, is the guiding force for the Keep San Saba Beautiful Commission. Mrs. Saldivar also serves as the Executive Director of the EDC.

Steve Newkirk, Police

Chief Newkirk began his career in 1993 with the Texas Department of Criminal Justice in Huntsville, Texas. In 1995, he transitioned to the Lewisville Police Department where he served until his retirement in 2016. In 2021, Chief Newkirk joined the San Saba Police Department as an Investigative Officer. In 2024, he became City Chief of Police.

Scott Glaze, Public Works

Scott Glaze has been with the city since 1993. Glaze holds C Licenses in Wastewater Treatment, Groundwater Treatment, and Municipal Solid Waste. His responsibilities include directorship over both fleet and general maintenance as well as the parks, sanitation, street and water departments.

City Supervisors

Norman Pierce, Fleet Maintenance

Norman Pierce, hired in 2011, repairs and maintains the entire fleet of transportation vehicles as well as the heavy machinery operated by the city work force.

Paul Stewart, General Maintenance

Paul Stewart has been employed by the city since 2022. Mr. Stewart’s wide range of duties covers plumbing, climate control, construction and maintenance repairs.

Eugene Bessent, Parks

Eugene Bessent has been associated with the city since 2018. Mr. Bessent brings a prideful devotion to his work as reflected in the well-groomed and manicured parks of San Saba, enjoyed by citizens and guests alike.

Juan Montoya, Sanitation & Recycling

Juan Montoya, hired in 2008, supervises all disposal and recycling needs of the community. Hours of Operation Mon, W-F 8a-5p; Tues 1-5p; Sat 9a-1p View Sanitation Brochure – Outside Cover | Inside Contents

Luis Rios, Streets

 Luis Rios has served the city since 2004. Mr. Rios is a licensed “CDL” driver and oversees his department’s tar distribution, asphalt zipping, motor grader, and backhoe operations. 

Jesse Hunt, Water & Wastewater

 Jesse Hunt, hired in 2012, holds a Class C License in Ground Water Treatment & Wastewater Treatment Operator License.  Water Quality Report