The City of San Saba is closely monitoring the national outbreak of the novel coronavirus, now known as COVID-19. The City is working with our public health partners at the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the Emergency Management Coordinator to ensure the city has the best practices in place for the general public.
Click the link below to view Governor Abbott’s announcement of Phase 3 to Open Texas.
Click the link below to view checklists and protocols for Phase 3 to Open Texas.
New Declarations Issued by Ken Jordan, Mayor of City of San Saba, in his latest response to the COVID-19 crisis. Read in their entirety below:
Declaration Order No. 1 Stay Home-Work Safe
Disaster_Emergency Declaration
- Stay home when you are sick, except to get medical care.
- Cover your coughs and sneezes with a tissue.
- Clean frequently touched surfaces and objects daily (e.g., tables, countertops, light switches, doorknobs, and cabinet handles) using a regular household detergent and water.
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.
- Practice physical distancing by keeping 6 feet between yourself and others. Social distancing should not mean social isolation: Our parks and trails remain open, and people are encouraged to get out and play.
The CDC has issued guidelines and quarantine recommendations for travelers returning from countries with elevated risk of coronavirus.
Learn more:
Statewide COVID-19 Case Map
Texas Department of State Health Services site on COVID-19
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) site on COVID-19
SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT – City Hall Lobby Now Closed
ANUNCIO ESPECIAL – Noticia Pública City Hall Lobby Estara Cerrado
Declaration Order No. 1 Stay Home-Work Safe
Disaster_Emergency Declaration
City Council Special Emergency Meeting 04.02.20
Cloud Meeting Recording 04.02.20
SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT – Due to the increased number of people staying at home at this time, PLEASE REFRAIN FROM FLUSHING LARGE AMOUNTS OF PAPER GOODS DOWN TOILETS, specifically baby wipes and any other type of paper product being substituted for toilet paper which will increase stoppages and strain the city sewer system.
SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT – Mayor’s Video Message Regarding Lowes Supermarket Fire Update
As part of Office of the Governor Greg Abbott’s Report to Open Texas, DSHS has set safety standards for businesses, employees, and customers. Find these safety standards, or minimum recommended health protocols, here –
Governor’s Report to Open Texas –
Office of the Governor COVID-19 Executive Order No. GA-28 Relating to the Targeted Response to the COVID-19 Disaster as Part of the Reopening of Texas – View Here
Office of the Governor COVID-19 Executive Order – Open Texas Booklet
Office of the Governor COVID-19 Earlier Executive Orders – View Here
Small Business Administration (SBA): The SBA provides low-interest, long-term Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EDIL)to small businesses and private non-profit organizations.
- SBA Guidance for Businesses in Responding to COVID-19
- SBA Disaster Assistance in Response to COVID-19
- 3 Step Loan Process: An Overview of the Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program Application Process
- Disaster Loan Assistance Application
- SBA Houston District Office – COVID -19 – Guidance for Small Businesses (daily webinars and Q&A)
*If applying for an EIDL loan, the SBA recommends using Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge*
Federal Reserve: Commercial Paper Funding Facility to support the flow of credit to households and businesses
Internal Revenue Service (IRS):
- COVID-19 General Info
- IRS Payment Plan
- IRS Payment Deadline Extended: The filing deadline for tax returns remains April 15, 2020.
Office of the Governor: Visit their website for a comprehensive list of resources and important COVID-19 updates.
Texas Workforce Commission (TWC): Visit their website for resources available to employers and job seekers impacted by the COVID-19.
- Resources for Employers
- Resources for Job Seekers
- If an individual’s employment has been affected by COVID-19 they may apply for benefits either online by using the Unemployment Benefits Services (UBS) or by calling TWC at 800.939.6631 from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday – Friday. UBS can be accessed at any time. For additional information, visit TWC’s website.
- Shared Work Program
Texas Department of Insurance (TDI): Visit their website for an overview of insurance-related questions related to COVID-19.
Texas State Comptroller: Visit their website to access information about state taxes, deferments and technical assistance during the #COVID19 pandemic.
The Consumer Data Industry Association (CDIA) provided guidance to those directly or indirectly impacted.
Texas Restaurant Relief Fund – A small grant program from the Texas Restaurant Association
Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) are an alternative source of finance for small businesses. For additional information, please visit with each organization:
SBA Lender Match: Connects Small Business with Participating SBA-approved Lenders
Small Business Development Centers (SBDCs) provides counseling to small businesses throughout Texas. For a list of resources to manage the impact and recovery, visit their website.
SCORE has chapters throughout Texas and provides in-person and virtual counseling and mentorship. They have also published resources and information to support small business, including:
- The COVID-19 Economic Impact: Will Business Interruption Insurance Help (& What Are My Other Options)?
- How Small Businesses Can Prepare for the COVID-19
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce: Combating Coronavirus
National Restaurant Association: Coronavirus Information and Resources
National Retail Federation: Coronavirus Resources for Retailers
NFIB: Small Business Resources in Response to Coronavirus
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid (CMS): Is granting certain waivers and suspended non-emergency survey inspections.
- CMS Press Release
- FAQs for Individuals, Providers and Insurers
- CMS Current Emergencies- COVID-19 guidance and additional information
- Medicare Advantage and Part D Plans
- Medicare Coverage and Payment
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services:
Small Business Administration (SBA): The SBA provides low-interest, long-term Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EDIL) to small businesses and private non-profit organizations.
- SBA Guidance for Businesses in Responding to COVID-19
- SBA Disaster Assistance in Response to COVID-19
- 3 Step Loan Process: An Overview of the Disaster Loan Program Application Process
- Disaster Loan Assistance Application
- Waived certain regulations and directed the Texas Department of Insurance to issue an emergency rule that will allow telemedicine visits for patients with state-regulated plans to be paid the same as in-office visit for insurance purposes.
- Fast-tracking temporary licensing for out-of-state physicians, physicians assistants, retired physicians and nurses to assist with in-person and telemedicine services
Texas Department of Insurance: Visit their website for an overview of insurance-related questions related to COVID-19.
Texas Department of Agriculture/State Office of Rural Health (SORH): To contact SORH, email:
Resources Guide to COVID-19 for Government Leaders
Texas Department of State Health Services: COVD-19 Communication Tools
Center for Disease and Control (CDC): COVID – 19
Hill Country Community Action Association (HCCAA): COVID – 19
- Emergency Disaster Services General Information
- Chart for the Breakdown of Services and Eligibility Requirements
- Poverty Income Guidelines
Texas Workforce Commission (TWC): Visit their website for resources available to employers and job seekers impacted by the COVID-19.
If an individual’s employment has been affected by COVID-19 they may apply for benefits either online by using the Unemployment Benefits Services (UBS) or by calling TWC at 800.939.6631 from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday – Friday. UBS can be accessed at any time. For additional information, visit TWC’s website.